El Sindicato El obrero ha encontrado el camino para lograr el triunfo de su lucha: El Sindicato. Porque en él está la fuerza para exigir. Porque es el medio seguro para arrancar lo que por justicia le corresponde. Porque mediante él conseguirá la completa liberación de su clase. Porque él disciplina y enseña deberes. El Sindicato es camino, El Sindicato es fuerza, El Sindicato es escuela. |
The Union The worker has found the way to achieve victory in his struggle: The Union. Because in it he finds the strength to make demands. Because it is the sure way to achieve what is rightly his. Because through it he will obtain the full liberation of his class. Because it disciplines him and teaches him his duty. The Union is the way, The Union is strength, The Union is our school. |